Problem 1

Here is a list of problems, things that missing or need fixing or replacing:
Missing Parts
Battery (old one lost or disposed of)
End Can
Example of incompetence number 1: Apparently the exhaust end can was reluctant to leave the bike, well it had probably witnessed what had happen to the tyres (see below). Two of the three bolts were removed but the last one had different ideas and was siezed up. Now I admit that stubborn bolts can be frustrating, but the answer is not to bend the end can out as much as possible in an effort to snap the remaining bolt, but none the less, that is what happened - the end result? One completly ruined and therefore discarded end can, and the bracket it was attached to (a rather substantial chunk of metal - see photo) slightly bent out of shape. I have yet to see if this will cause a problem when I get round o fitting a new can.
Fuel filter and hoses
Brake Fluid
Rear foot pegs
Parts to replace
This is another good example of the previous owners strange ways. Having noticed that the tyres were a little worn (can I see canvas? Yes I can!) they embarked on an interesting replacement technique. Not for them the simple task of removing the wheels and taking them to a tyre fitters, oh no. In Norman Bates sort of fashion they brutally attacked the front wheel with a large knife, obviously this completely failed to remove the tyre, but did make the bike almost impossible to push along.
Parts to fix
Fork Stanchions (quite badly pitted after a couple of years sitting in my garden)
Rear Spindle (hammered out of shape and nut no longer fits on)
I think that is it for now. Doubtless there will be more to add as I go along, but this is enough to be starting with.
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